Advances in Social Behavior Research
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  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-23 Doi: 10.54254/2753-7102/3/2023021

    Stylistics Analysis of Robert Burn’s Poem “A Red, Red Rose”

    In this study, researchers will stylistically analyze a well-known poem by Robert Burn “A Red, Red Rose”. This poem is considered a linguistic marvel, to examine this statement, the researcher analyses this poem to explore its linguistic importance. The objective of this study is to present a stylistic analysis of a poem that will be useful in deciphering the poem's underlying meanings. It unequivocally brings to light the poet's true message. The poem is analyzed in terms of stylistic foregrounding and by different levels of stylistic analyses proposed by Leech. Furthermore, it intends to investigate the effects that the use of figures of speech has on the minds of the readers. Robert Burn has used various literary devices and unique diction by incorporating the Scottish dialect and lexical deviation blending with the amazing theme of love and separation. The study is significant for students and literary critics interested in exploring Robert Burn’s works, highlighting the interdependence of literature and linguistics.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-23 Doi: 10.54254/2753-7102/3/2023022

    Efficacy of Classroom Management in EFL Classes: A Case Study at Quest, Nawabshah, Pakistan

    This research article investigates classroom management in the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction at QUEST Nawabshah, Pakistan. It explores classroom dynamics, teacher-student interactions, and the unique challenges within this educational environment. Using qualitative methods, including observations and focus-group interviews, the study identifies current classroom management practices and their impact on learners' motivation, engagement, and achievement. The participants in this qualitative research study include 20 English as Foreign Language (EFL) students. These students were purposefully chosen to reflect a variety of backgrounds, language proficiency levels, and experiences in EFL classes. The findings reveal teaching flaws, such as unclear instructions and limited interaction, along with learner issues like passivity and a fear of making mistakes. The article concludes by discussing practical implications and recommendations for enhancing EFL classroom management, benefiting both educators and students.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-23 Doi: 10.54254/2753-7102/3/2023025

    An Analytical Study of Sociolinguistic Variations in Urdu Language

    This paper will talk about the sociolinguistic variations in Urdu Language. It takes account with the interviews that conduct from the various senior citizens of Urdu speakers in Pakistan, each interview base on 4 questions to find out Urdu language variations for this paper. The questions on the value of the Urdu language in today’s world, what changes took place in the Urdu language over the period from lexical and dialectical point of view. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured with the use of different modern and simple tools. The study of this paper will be very helpful for the young generation of Pakistan because all the past studies did not solely talk about the sociolinguistics in Urdu language. It guides them to bring their native or national language with original accents and vocabulary which shows their actual culture and purity of Urdu language.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-23 Doi: 10.54254/2753-7102/3/2023026

    Investigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence AI and Technology in English Language Learning

    The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and technology in English Language Learning (ELL) is revolutionizing education. This research explores the impact of AI and technology on English language learners at Quest University, Nawabshah. Through a quantitative approach and an online questionnaire, the Researcher delves into students' perceptions and experiences. Technology, encompassing computers, smartphones, tablets, and AI-powered chat bots, plays a pivotal role. The majority of students find technology-enhanced learning engaging and enjoyable, making it easier to practice English outside the classroom. AI-powered tools receive acclaim for increasing motivation, proficiency, and preference over traditional methods. However, the enjoyment of AI chat bots remains diverse.

  • Open Access | Article 2023-11-28 Doi: 10.54254/2753-7102/3/2023034

    Research on Social and Emotional Learning and Education Equity

    Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) entails acquiring and applying fundamental knowledge and skills to comprehend and manage emotions, establish positive goals, demonstrate empathy, nurture relationships, and make responsible decisions. Recent advancements in SEL research propose different SEL approaches, drawing insights from social justice, anti-bias education, cultural responsiveness, and sustaining pedagogies. Varied SEL initiatives aim for impartial learning experiences, contributing to the growth of each student. In China, the commitment to equitable education stands as a crucial national policy. This paper consolidates global research on how SEL addresses educational equity, scrutinizes culturally responsive and transformative SEL to give the definition of equitable SEL, and offers recommendations for introducing equitable SEL in China. Integrating SEL into schools, families, communities, and society can cultivate comprehensive student development, fostering inclusivity and harmony in societal structures. Lastly, this paper advocates for increased scholarly focus on SEL development in China, encouraging more research and practical initiatives.

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